VMS P-Series SPOT-ON Non-Textured Pigments P01-P29 - 45ml
VMS P-Series SPOT-ON Non-Textured Pigments P01-P29 - 45ml
Recommended techniques: dusting, capillary action, weathering liquid/paste
Combine with: Alkyd, ENML 2.0 or Acrylic binders
These pigments may be given texture by mixing with P29 PURE TEXTURE Additive Powder (last item on the drop-down selection list).
P01 - Light Earth
P03 - Brown Earth
P05 - Clay Rich Earth
P07 - Black Earth
P09 - Dark Brown Earth
P11 - Light Sand
P13 - Intensive Sand
P15 - Vietnam Red Earth
P17 - Dark Old Rust
P18 - Medium Old Rust
P19 - Fresh Rust
P20 - Light Fresh Rust
P21 - Track Brown Classic
P22 - Track Brown Extra Dark
P23 - Primer Red
P24 - Soot Black
P25 - Black Steel Metallic
P26 - White
P27 - Concrete Grey
P28 - Smoke Grey
P29 - Pure Texture Additive